Friday, 18 January 2013

Charactor Summary's for series 1

In Every New series of Merlin, the story lines become much more dramatic in every way possible. Characters changed as they discovered new things about themselves that they never even knew!

Here's a quick summary of the Main Characters in series 1.

Series 1
Merlin Series 1/2

Merlin: Merlin was told of his destiny by the great dragon in Camelot when he first arrived. He found it difficult to start off with because although he had magic, he was only just starting to learn spells. His magic wasn't very strong, but for him, this series was all about developing his magic, and trying to get along with Prince Arthur.

Arthur: Prince Arthur was very arrogant in the first series, as well as being very  mean and unfair to his servant, who he never gave any credit to. He was a fearsome warrior, but a very unlikable person, who was strongly affected by his father's influence. He was nearly always in danger, and if it wasn't for Merlin, he would have died in the first episode! In spite of everything, he would always try and do what was right, to help the people of Camelot, even though he made out that he only cared for himself.

Morgana: The Lady Morgana never liked Uther's war against magic, for she believed that not everybody who used Magic could be evil, so she was very rebellious against him even though at times she belived the King cared for her. She was very troubled about her dreams, because her nightmares could predict the future, and she had the seer's power, yet hardly knew a thing about it. She was good friends with her maid, Gwen, and always stood up for her, even if she got herself locked in the dungeons. She, like Arthur, was also a good warior, and very strong minded. But by the end of the series her nightmares were so real that she knew what would happen when the questing beast arrived...

Gwen: Gwen was the kind, maid of the Lady Morgana. She was very atracted to Merlin when he first arrived, for standing up to Arthur, who she said was a bully, then to Lancelot because he was not only kind, but handsom and chivalrous. She was always gentle, though at times she would acidently speak her mind inapropriatly because she was a servant. In the scond half of the series, she started to speak up for the people more, and found that Arthur started to listen to her. By the end of the series, she was clearly atrracted to Arthur!

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Calling All Merlin Fans!

As you might of guessed from the title, this is a blog about Merlin, the best TV show I've ever watched! This blog will be filled with everything there is that I know about Merlin, which is quite alot! If you don't belive me, go to this website that I created about year ago:
The Merlin Mega Fan Website

But before Everything about Merlin, here's some small things about me!

I'm Cassie White, the founder member of the Merlin Mega Fan website which I created myself just after Series 4 Merlin came out. And I'm one of Merlin's many No.1 Fans!
I first started to watch Merlin when I was flicking through the TV channels, and It was just starting on BBC 3. There was nothing much else on, so I decided to watch. By the time I'd seen that episode (series1 ep. 1) , I could hardly wait for the next!
Then I discoved that series 3 was out already, so I had some SERIOUS catching up to do! When series 4 came out, I was definitly addicted to the series, but not in a bad way. At the end of the series, I decided to create a website.

since then, Ive created The Merlin Mega Fan Quiz, which is basicly a ten part quiz about Merlin.

And now I'm writing a blog!

So calling all Merlin Fans, look out for the up coming posts!