Thursday, 27 June 2013

series' side by side - Part 2

Here is series' by side part 2! In the run up to series 5 Merlin, I read some comments about the series from the cast and crew who basically said that is you were to put the 5th series side by side with the 1st series, you would see how incredibly different they are.
So that's exactly what I'm doing. Well... sort of. I'm basically comparing the differences between them.
First of all, if you are incredibly behind on watching Merlin, or simply need reminding of these series', here's some trailers.
Series 1

Series 5
So now you've been reminded of the series', lets compare some more differences.
Warlock in Training to Sorcerer supreme!
At a first glance, it would appear that nothing much had changed about Merlin. His clothes were the same, he was still Arthur's servant, he still lived in the room at the back of Gaius's chambers, etc. But there are more differences than you think.
In the very first episode of Merlin, Merlin came to Camelot without knowing a single spell, or anything about his destiny. He even said that if anyone wanted to kill Arthur he'd give them a hand!
But once he had accepted his destiny, he began to study magic, learning basic spells, enchantments, healing spells, and more, but he was clearly still a novice compared to himself in series 5.
In series 5, Merlin was a master of magic with amazing capability! He could perform powerful magic, even when he was 80 years old - or an 80 year old woman! - and ageing spells take incredible stamina to hold. I have also noticed that Merlin was a lot more prepared to reveal his magic to Arthur, and there were many situations when this nearly happened. For example: series 5 ep. 1, when Arthur was about to be killed by slave traders working for Morgana, Merlin told them that they would have to get past him first.
By the end of series 5, we see 80 year old Merlin walking down a street in modern day time, which means that Merlin is immortal, and he can live forever. That's what I think anyway.
Druid boy to Knight
We first see Mordred in series 1, as a young druid boy on the run, trying to escape Camelot with the help of Morgana and Merlin, then Arthur. He had the ability to talk to people with his mind suggesting he had magic. He was oblivious to the fact that he was destined to kill Arthur, or that he would one day become a knight of Camelot.
In series 5, Mordred attempted to re-join Morgana, perhaps hoping to tempt her back to the kindness he once saw in her. But by the end of the first double parter, Mordred tried to kill Morgana, knowing that she was wrong about Arthur and Camelot, seeing that she had become consumed by bitterness.
Mordred was knighted for saving Arthur's life, and became a knight of the round table.
For a long time, Mordred was indisputably a loyal and noble knight, until he was reunited with his childhood sweetheart, Kara.
Kara was one of the people who had been lead in by Morgana, following her blindly, willing to do anything to help her overthrow Arthur.
She tried to kill Arthur, and was sentenced to death.
Mordred never forgave Arthur for this, and re-re-joined Morgana and her army, and killed Arthur with a sword forged in a dragons breath (NOOOOOOOOOO!).
Knights of the Round Table
The knights of Camelot and their rules have changed quite a lot.
In series 1, Uther made it the first code of Camelot that only those of noble blood could serve as knights, as he thought it the bond of trust that holds the knights together. This, however, actually limited the amount of warriors and the quality of fighting skills, as we saw when Lancelot came. He was only made a knight in series 3 by Arthur, alongside Gwaine, Percival, and Elyan.
In series 5 when Arthur was king, He allowed common men, as well as noble, to become knights, and doing so created the best knights in the five kingdoms.
Also, he had a round table instead of rectangular. At a rectangular table, the most important people sit at the ends of the table, with the less important people on the long sides. On a round table, as there are no ends and only one side, everyone who sat at the table were worth no more than each other.
This was a perfect sign of equality, as well as a symbol of everything that had changed for the better when Arthur was King.
So there you go, that's all the differences between series 1 and 5 I can think of. If you find any more, comment below (or wherever the commenting is)!
series 1 ep. 7
28. spell: Forbearnun firgenholt!
pronounced: for-pen-an fer-gen-olt!
what it does: Makes a thick branch break and fall down.
Performed by: Merlin
29. spell: Marouf kino toyno!
pronounced: Ma-rouf kee-no toy-noo!
what it does: sends a powerful beam out of a sidhe (she) staff that kills someone.
performed by: Aulfric 
30. spell: Tuch von phrixur ator.
pronounced: Titch von frix-er ah-tor.
what it does: This spell is repeated and added to over time to enchant someone.
performed by: Sophia
31. spell: Tuch von phixur artur. Cheek nom fogish. Jamea mortharisha. Tuch von phrixur artur.
pronounced: titch von frix-ur ah-tor. cheek nom fog-ish-k. jay-ma mor-tha-lish-a. Tuch von frix-ur ah-tor.
what it does: enchants a person. this is an advanced version of spell 30.
performed by: Sophia.
32. spell: Not gwithim sar! dar labran trimshah!
pronounced: Not gwit-him sar. dar lab-ran trim-share!
what it does: summons the sidhe (she) elders and the court of the sidhe on the lake of Avalon!
performed by: Aulfric
33. spell: a-ren-shaw
what it does: shoots a powerfull beam out of a sidhe (she) staff.
performed by: Aulfric
34. spell: Ibend dodenuve. Codon gareyew. Dolce are. Sue are. Igbeth dolce nur. Dobior colt ogham. Anvin. Flatau. Dondiay. Dobior colt ogham. Anvin. Flatau. Dondiay. colt orgam Arthur Pendragon!
pronounced: ee-bend doh-day-nurve. cod-on gah-ree-oo. Dol-chee are. sue are. Ig-beth dol-chee ner. Doh-bee-or colt or-gam. an-vin. Flat-ow. Don-dee-eye! Doh-bee-or colt or-gam. an-vin. Flat-ow. Don-dee-eye! Colt or-gam Arthur Pendragon!
what it does: sacrifices someone who has been enchanted to the sidhe (she) to win an immortal life in Avalon.
performed by: Aulfric and Sophia!
35. spell: On bregdan.
pronounced: on breg-dan
what it does: pulls a staff towards you
performed by: Merlin
36. spell: Swelt goldbeorht!
performed by: swe-lt goh-ld-bee-ot.
what it does: shoots a powerful beam from a sidhe (she) staff that can destroy a sidhe.
performed by: Merlin
37. spell: Og kelis
pronounced: og kel-ees
what it does: same as spell 36.
performed by: Merlin

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