It is the 20th of September 2014 (If the scheduling thing on my computer has worked. If not, it's the 20th tomorrow...). Six years ago on 20th September 2008 at 18.45 exactly... or 7pm... or - I'm not entirely sure what time, but anyway...
Six years ago on the 20th September 2008 at a so far unspecified time, was the most important moment in Merlin history: The first episode of Merlin, The Dragon's Call, was aired on BBC 1!
(If you can come up with a better name for it, comment)Here is the advert to the first Series to inspire you to watch Merlin in celebration!
I'm am going to be uploading my online Spellbook, but in the mean time, here are all fire spells!
What they all do: affect flames or/and set fire to (for want of a better word) stuff.
Spell: Forbearnun Firgenholt
Pronounced: for-bear-nun for-gen-holt
Spell: Leoc Morla
Pronounced: Lay-ok mor-la
Spell: Baerne!
Pronounced: Bear-nay!
Spell: Forbearne!
Pronounced: For-bear-nay!
Spell: Forbearnun!
Pronounced: For-bear-nun!
Spell: Gar onbaerne!
Pronounced: Yar on-burn-ay!
Spell: Byrne
Pronounced: Burn-ay
Spell: Draca!
Pronounced: Dray-ka!
What it does: Creates image of dragon in flames
Spell: Upastige Draca!
Pronounced: Up-st-eye-ah drah-ka!
What it does: same as above
Spell: Wecce on saebat baelfyara maest...
Pronounced: Weh-chay on sab-at bay-al-fee-ah-ra mest
Spell: Lufie he hi
Pronounced: Looth-ee-ay
Spell: Forbairn ypile
Pronounced: For-bear-n ee-bu-lay
Spell: Cume hay forbearnah!
Pronounced: Coo-may here for-bear-nah!
Spell: Intende lich Intende
Pronounced: On-ten-day leek on-ten-day
Spell: Forbaern aeltaewlicce!
Pronounced: For-bearn el-teh-lee-chee!
Spell: Bael onbyrne!
Pronounced: Bee-ol on-burn-ay!
Spell: Lig-fyr onbaern swithe
Pronounced: lig fee-r on-burn sw-eye-th
Spell: Fyr withere!
Pronounced: Fire with-ee-r
Spell: Scin Scir!
Pronounced: Shin Shee-r!
Spell: Lig Fyr!
Pronounced: Lig fee-ray!
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