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Kilgharrah, The Great Dragon |
124 Spell: Ah, Dragorn! Non didilkai. Kar imiss, epsipass. imalla krat. Katostar abore! Eeriss. Katiscur. Me ta sentende divoless. Kar... Krisass!
pronounced: Ar, drag-arn! Nar-n di-dil-k-eye. k-eye ee-miss, ep-see-pas. ee-mal-ah krat. kat-oh-star oh-bor! eh-ree-ss. kat-iss-kor. Mee tah sen-ten-day div-oh-less. Kar... kree-sass!
What it does: Commands a dragon to stop attacking
Performed By: Merlin
133 Spell: O, Dragarn! E male, soi ftengometta tesd'hup anakess!
pronounced: Ar, drag-arn! Ee mal-ah s-oo fah-teng-go-met-ar, tess-hoop anna- kess!
What it does: Summons a Dragon to come to you
Performed By: Merlin
158 Spell: Nun de de gei s'eikein kai emois, epe'essess hepetei!
pronounced: Nar-n dih dih g-eye see-k-eye-in k-eye ee-moss, ep-ess-ess hep-it- eye!
What it does: Commands dragons to stop attacking (also works on wytherns)
Performed By: Merlin
168 Spell: O, Dragarn! E male, soi ftengometta tesd'hup anakess! Erkheo! Non intende karg e massaed fulacson!
pronounced: Ar, drag-arn! Ee mal-ah s-oo fah-teng-go-met-ar, tess-hoop anna- kess! You-kee-o! non in-ten-day kar-g ee mass-ed ful-ak-son!
What it does: Summons a Dragon to come to you
Performed By: Merlin
187 Spell: S'enthend' akhorein nun epielor!
pronounced: Sun-tun-day ak-ool-ay noon ep-el-or!
What it does: commands Wytherns and Dragons to stop attacking
Performed By: Merlin
224 Spell: O, Dragarn, ftengomai au se kallon soi katerkheo deuro!
pronounced: Ar, drag-arn, fah-teng-go-m-eye O see kal-on s-ue kattah-kor-oh dor-oh!
What it does: Summons a Dragon to come to you, and to be ready to attack!
Performed By: Merlin
233 Spell: Nun de ge dei s'eikein kai emois, epe'essess hepethei!
pronounced: Nar-n dih gee d-eye see-k-eye-in k-eye ee-moss, ep-ee-ess-in hep-it-eye!
What it does: Commands a dragon to stop attacking
Performed By: Merlin
234 Spell: Ithai!
pronounced: Ee-th-eye!
What it does: Commands dragons to go
Performed By: Merlin
259 Spell: Nun de ge dei s'eikein kai emois, epe'essess hepethei! Waes!
pronounced: Nar-n dih gee d-eye see-k-eye-in k-eye ee-moss, ep-ay-ess-in hep-it-eye! Way-os!
What it does: Commands a dragon to stop attacking
Performed By: Merlin/ Emrys/ Dragoon! The Great!
So there you have 9 new spells to add to your spell books!
PS: I realise this is totaly un-Merlin related, but have you heard about the petition against a coal mine being build on the edge of the iMfolozi wilderness in South Africa? Find out more here. Once the petition is over, I will remove this text.