Thursday 23 May 2013

character summary's for series 2

Series 2, a very romantic and, as usual, dramatic series. This series contains big discovery's for Morgana, the start of a relationship for Gwen, and more challenges for Merlin and Arthur to overcome.

So here's my character summary's for series 2.

Merlin's magic grew in power, and he was prepared to risk more for Arthur and for Camelot, though this meant that he was still reliant on the great dragon. I don't think he expected to fall in love when he met Freya. Merlin suffered a few losses in this series (Freya dying, his father dying), but he managed to recover almost unnaturally quickly, so that he had the strength to protect Arthur. Merlin also became a dragon lord!
 Arthur began a difficult and secret relationship with Gwen. He was willing to risk anything, including his own life, for her (which made Merlin's destiny a whole lot harder!).
He began disobeying his father more, for the good of Camelot, which he cared about more than anything (except Guinevere!)
He also started to stand up for the people more, and his beliefs, and he even started to listen to Merlin - occasionally!
Arthur discovered that he was born of magic when he met his mother, conjured from the spirit land by Morgause. He found out that Uther was to blame for his mother's death, and it was only because of Merlin that he didn't kill his own father!

Morgana's nightmare's, as we knew by series 2, was a form of magic: the seers power. This series, her powers advanced. She realised that she had magic. At first she was terrified, knowing Uther's hatred of magic, but after time with the druids, she was less afraid of her powers. But she began to be tempted over to the dark side when she was re-united with Mordred, who was with a band of renegades sworn to bring down the king and Camelot. She did help them, although the idea that they were going to bring down Uther and all who followed him did trouble her.
She was in a very confusing place: She hated Uther, and disagreed with his laws against magic, but she was not yet an enemy of Camelot.
By the end of the series, Morgause, her half sister, used her to try and bring down the kingdom (only to be stopped by Merlin and Arthur), but Morgana was only half aware of this. At the end of the series, she was poisoned by Merlin(who had no choice), and then Morgana took her away in a magical vortex...


Gwen began a relationship with prince Arthur. This was very difficult, as she was only a servant, and servants are not allowed to date noblemen like knights, let alone a prince!
But this was not the only problem with her relationship with Arthur.
Lancelot returned (earning a living by fighting). She found herself falling for Lancelot and Arthur. She had to make a choice. But in the end it was Lancelot who chose to leave, so as not to come between Arthur and Gwen.
Then Arthur was enchanted to fall in love with the Lady Vivian.
He couldn't even remember his feeling for Gwen!
Gwen at first thought that Arthur's feelings for Vivian were genuine, but when Merlin explained what had happened, She un-enchanted Arthur with a kiss.
By the end of the series, she was still in love with Arthur, despite of everything!

So those are my character summaries for series 2.

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